Alexander The Great - Think Woow

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Friday, August 5, 2022

Alexander The Great


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Alexander The Great


To conquer the world was not only his dream but a reality which this young Greek General called Alexander had almost achieved. When, at the age of 32, he suddenly died. Dynamic he and enterprising, this young hero was spurred on by an insatiable appetite to have the world at his feet, Standing a little over five feet, he possessed that unique blend of youth and wisdom that today puts him in an unchallenged position amongst the world's greatest generals.

Alexander was born on July 1, 356 BC in Pella, Macedonia, to Queen Olympias and King Philip.

As the son of King Philip of Macedonia. Alexander was the beneficiary of his father's military and political genius. This, together with the unsurpassed tutoring by none other than Aristotale himself, inculcated in him a love for knowledge and life. Be it botany, science, anatomy, history, literature, morals or political science. Alexander found answers to all possible questions under the able tutelage of his teacher. This made Alexander the most well-read conqueror of all times. Due to his sagacious insight into military strategy, great and much envied generals like Hannibal. Caesar and Napoleon studied him.



It was in 336 BC, on losing his father, that Alexander donned the mantle of responsibility of the new king. At first it was thought that his father's splendid military feats would surely outshine Alexander's military exploits. But the Macedonians were wrong. Alexander struck north, east, west and then south into Greece proper. Once having all of Greece under his command, the young general started looking outwards.

Leading his army, Alexander marched towards Asia. Akexander thought that it was time to punish the Persians for invading Greece 150 years ago. King Darius III, the Persian King, laughed when he heard about the valiant Alexander who led an army of a mere 30,000 infantry and 5000 cavalry officers against his vast army of million soldiers! But it was Alexander who was to have the last laugh. Using a planned intelligent manoeuvre. Alexander let his centre.  Alexabder, taking advantage of this, carried out a wild but disciplined cavalry charge on to the unsuspecting enemy. He caught the enemy unawares and this led to an unprecedented victory over Darius' fled the battlefield but was killed buy hid own men. He was found dying by the Macedonian soldiers. The dying king muttered some words of gratitude to Alexander for treating the royal captives with courtesy. Alexander, in his characteristic manner, covered the body of the dead king with his won royal mantle as a mark of respect.

Alexander's bravery did not in the least dampen his humane approach to things. His annexation of the other Greek city states was done with tolerance and the least loss of life. It was only the plunder of Thebes that saw the ruthless exploitation by Alexander's army, but here too the characteristic Alexanderian touch spared the house of Pindar, the great Theban poet. He venerated all knowledge. In another instance, after winning over Darius' army, Alexander in a drunken state is said to have gone along with the demand of the Greek soldiers to burn down the palace of their enemy.  Alexander himself led the parade throwing blazing torches at the building, only to retrace his steps once the spectacle of that magnificent fire had a sobering effect on him. He then tried to save all that he could. Today, Because of this spontaneous act of saving the monument, the archaeologists have found wonderful stone carvings nearly intact.

Alexander had started his journey for Asia with the sole aim of making slaves of the Persians. He had been taught to think that the Persians were second rate citizens and were fit to be subservient, always. But on experiencing the might of the Persian army and coming in close contact with the Persian soldiers, Alexander fond them to be noble, cultured and with great dignity. He was impressed. As a goodwill gesture, He chose 30,000 of the best Persian soldiers to train in the Macedonian art of military leadership. Alexander was no a slave to prejudice. He acknowledged rare qualities of bravery and camaraderie even in soldiers of the enemy camp and he did not forget to respect them' On capturing a state in India, Alexander defeated the king of Indus called Porus. He took the defeated king captive and then asked him as to how he would like to be treated. To this Porus sense of honour and self-respect, Alexander restored his territory to him as a protected state under Macedonian regime.

Even today Alexander's tales of vaolur can be an inspiration to any aspiring commander of troops. He always fought right beside his men and never deterred to face fierce attack. When still a boy, Alexander was the only one to master the famous horse Bucephalus when it was brought before his father, king Philips. Where stalwart riders had failed Alexander simply turned the horse towards the sun so that he could no longer see the sun and be frightened by its shadow. Alexander coaxed and tamed the witful brute. Bucephalus, from then on, was Alexander's personal companion. When Bucephalus died in India, Alexander mourned his death as one would of a true friend. He founded the city of Bucephalia in memory of his beloved charger.



In another instance, while facing the high fortified walls of an Indian city, it was this son of Macedonia who unhesitatingly climbed the walls and jumped right into the enemy camp. He was at once accosted by the enemy who lost no time in attacking him from all sides. Alexander fought courageously but soon collapsed when a metre-long arrow pierced his chest. Seeing their general set a bold example, the other Macedonian troops swarmed in. On finding their general badly wounded, they took to the streets with a vengeance, slaying all who came in their way. Although Alexander was badly wounded, he refused to be carried back. It is recorded that even at such a time, he asked for a horse and mounted it. He rode a few paces saluting his army then dismounting he walked, to the cheers of his men. Such was his strength and such was his commitment to his soldiers, that they followed him wherever he went.

This leader of men was driven by a lust for adventure that never could be easily satisfied. An ancient biographer wrote: ''He would always have searched beyond for something unknown." At the age of 22, he was the master of Asia Minor and at the age of 30, he had mighty Persia under his thumb. Alexander had been taught that the world did not stretch beyond the Hindu Kush mountains. But, to his delight, on reaching the land of the five rivers, the state of Punjab in India, he found his spirits soaring as unexplored virgin territory spread before him for miles and miles. At this point, Alexander's surveyors had recorded that they had marched 18, 100 kilometers in eight years. Alexander valiantly fought across the four rivers but on reaching the fifth river, his army generals refused to follow him. The harsh, unrelenting monsoons of the Indian soil broke their spirit. So their king had to give up hopes of further conquests.

By the time Alexander died he had conquered an empire that would be very general's envy. His empire stretched from present day Yugoslavia to India and included all or parts of Bulgaria, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and the Soviet Union His exploits have left an indelible mark on the history and culture of the places he conquered. Traces of Greek culture and art were found in the stone carvings as far as India. Oriental rugs bearing designs of Greek art and Greek classics had found their way into the folk tales of Central Persia.

The only incident that tarnishes Alexander's impeccable record as the people's general and a superb administrator is a foolhardy drunken instance. All the Macedonian soldiers were not as generous in respect for their opponents as was Alexander. There rose a discontentment among the soldiers when they saw their leader doling lenient punishments to their prisoners of war and in many cases Alexander was downright kind. The Macedonians could not understand this liberal stance. It was on such an occasion at Samarcand that Cleitus, debauched with wine, taunted Alexander that it was not Alexander that won the wars but the Macedonian soldiers that fought and were victorious. He also reminded Alexander that it was Cleitus that saved his life when Alexander was attacked by the infantry soldiers of the Persian army. He hurled taunts with such an exaggeration that Alexander, Who was worked u p to a frenzy, stuck him don with a spear. It was a mortal blow and Alexander was inconsolable and chided himself a murderer.

Alexander married the beautiful daughter of Oxyartes of Sogdian Rock. Her name was Roxanne. It was in this matrimonial alliance that Alexander saw much happiness. Alexander's end come in 323 BC. After a huge drinking party he went to bed suffering from a fever which eventually took his life. As word spread amongst his troops. they all come to pay their lives. As the troops filed passed Alexander, he lay there acknowledging their salute with the blink of his eyes, for he was too weak for any other movement. In his last moments too, this grand general never once forgot to respect his valiant troops for their unflinching and steadfast devotion to him. Though it has been more than 2000 years since Alexander walked the earth, his footprints on the sands of time have left a lasting impression. His legacy of courage and leadership will always be an inspiration to many an aspiring young warrior for generations to come.


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